One, Two , Three…HIKE to Fluency
Olivia McKnight
In order for children to become good, enthusiastic readers they must develop fluency. Reading fluently is done when the student has automatic word recognition, which makes reading faster, more connected with content, and more expressive. For reading fluency to be developed, it is required that students read and re-read words in decodable texts. After these repeated readings, students gain confidence in their reading abilities, as well as developing other aspects of reading, such as adding expression and enthusiasm and understanding the context of the reading. This type of reading ability not only allows for confidence but also is more enjoyable and intriguing for listeners. In this lesson, students will read, reread, and do partner readings to improve fluency.
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A stopwatch for every pair of students
Class set of is Junie B. Jones is Captain Field Day by: Barbara Park
sample sentences on white board for teacher to model
peer fluency sheet ( one for each student)
Reading rate forms for teacher
teacher fluency check (one for each student) with attached comprehension questions
1. I will start the lesson by explaining to students what being a fluent readers means and why it is important that students work to become fluent readers. Say : “ Today we are going to begin working on how to be fluent readers. This means that we can read a text easily without stumbling over words and doing it with an appropriate speed. When we lean to read in this way, it is easier for us to have excitement and enthusiasm in our voice so that others can enjoy what we read. When you are fluent in your reading, it helps you become a better reader and you can understand your readings better. I am going to read a sentence to you several different ways. When I am done, I want you to tell me which way sounds the best. (Read text slow and choppy the first time. The second time read in steadily but with out expression. Finally read the sentence smoothly and with expression.) Can you tell how my reading got better each time I read the text? (allow for answers) You see each time I read the text I got better? That means each time you read a text you will get better also. That is how rereading things over and over makes us better readers. Which one sounded best, the first, second, or third way I read?” Then have students practice becoming more fluent readers.
2. Today we are going to read the first three pages in the first chapter of Junie B. Jones is Captain Field Day.” Booktalk: “Junie B. Jones is the team captain for the kindergarten field day and her class wants to win! However, room eight keeps winning all the events. How will she lead her class to win field day? We are going to have to read and find out! You are going to practice reading with fluency reading this story. You will read once through and then reread it, trying to get faster each time. The more you read, the easier it will be to decode and remember the words.”
3. The teacher will have listed on the board everything what each group should have once the teacher has finished giving instruction. Say: “You are going to be reading today with partners. Everyone will be partnered with the person that is sitting to their left. Each group will need to have the items listed on the board before we begin: Two copies of the text, a cover-up critter, a reading time sheet, a stopwatch, and a fluency checklist. You and your partner will take turns reading the story. You will each read it three times, trying to become more fluent each time. While you are reading, your partner is going to time you. They will then record your total time on the reading time sheet when you are finished reading the chapter each time.
4. Say: “When both partners have finished reading you will fill out a self-evaluation sheet. (the teacher will hold up which sheet this is) You are going to record how you felt your partner did during the reading in your own opinion.
5. Say: “When you are finished reading and recording everything all three times and filled out the self-evaluation sheet, each group needs to talk about the chapter. Ask questions like: What happened in the story? What do you think will happen next? Did you like the story? How did the chapter end?”do the same thing with them moving their own football on their own chart. After your partner has completed swap
Assessment: The teacher will walk around the room to make sure they are on task and completing the activity assigned. While observing, the teacher will be listening for fluency while the students are reading. The teacher will have the students turn in their score sheets after the repeated readings are finished. The teacher will then graph each student’s speed so they can see their improvement as they progress. The teacher will also assess words per minute by using the following formula: Words x 60/ Seconds
-Amy White. 1-2-3 Go!
-Rainer Rawlinson. Blast into Reading Fluency.
- Murray, Dr. Bruce. How to develop reading fluency.
-Text: Junie B. Jones is Captain Field Day by: Barbara Park
Peer Fluency Check:
Name of Reader: ____________________
Date: _________________
1st Time: ________
2nd Time: ________
3rd Time: ________
I noticed that my partner…
After which read? 2nd 3rd
Remembered more words
Read faster
Read smoother
Read with expression
Teacher Fluency Check
Name of Reader: _______________
Date: _________________
Time: ________
Words x 60/time in seconds: _______WPM
1. What was this paragraph about?
2. What characters are being discussed?
3. Is there a problem happening in the story?